Thursday, December 24, 2009

Parallel Evolutionary Systems (PES) track at GECCO 2010

Call for Papers
Parallel Evolutionary Systems (PES) track
GECCO 2010
Portland, Oregon, USA July 7-10, 2010

This track in GECCO aims at developing the cross-fertilization of knowledge between evolutionary algorithms (metaheuristics in general) and parallelism. Parallel algorithms represent a very important topic in all international research programs, and virtually any algorithm can profit from parallelism to create efficient optimization and learning tools capable of unseen performance in complex problems.

Working in two domains of research is at the same time difficult and fruitful. Knowing on parallelism and networking helps in creating parallel algorithms for clusters or grids of computers. However, it also needs a careful definition of proper benchmarks, software tools, and metrics to measure the behavior of algorithms in a meaningful and standard way. In concrete, a conceptual separation between physical parallelism and decentralized algorithms (whether implemented in parallel or not) is needed to analyze the resulting algorithms.

This track is expected to collect a set of high quality contributions to the theory and the application of techniques born from the crossover of traditional parallelism and metaheuristics. Articles are wanted to provide significant results to problem solving (efficiency and also accuracy) and be methodologically well-founded. Also, the hardware used for running parallel algorithms is a target, in order to analyze how it can be used to provide better optimization and learning techniques.

This track includes (but not limits) topics concerning the design, implementation, software, hardware, and application of parallel evolutionary algorithms, and also parallel metaheuristics in general: ACO, PSO, VNS, SS, SA, EDAs, TS, ES, GP, GRASP… As a guide, contributions are welcomed in the following areas:

• Parallel evolutionary algorithms
• Parallel metaheuristics
• Master/slave models
• Massively parallel algorithms
• Parallel algorithms on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs)
• SIMD/MIMD and FPGA parallelization
• Distributed and shared memory parallel algorithms
• Multicore execution of parallel algorithms
• Concurrent algorithms with several threads of execution
• Algorithms running in clusters of machines
• Grid/cloud computing
• Peer to peer (P2P) algorithms
• Ad-hoc and mobile networks for parallel algorithms
• Parallel software frameworks/libraries
• Theory on decentralized and parallel algorithms
• Parallel test benchmarks
• Parallel hybrid/memetic algorithms
• Parallel multiobjective algorithms
• Self-adaptive parallel algorithms
• Parallel algorithms and dynamic optimization problems (DOP)
• Algorithms and tools for helping in designing new parallel algorithms
• Competitive/cooperative parallel algorithms and agents
• Statistical assessment of performance for parallel algorithms
• Unified view of parallel approaches and results
• Real-world applications in telecoms, bioinformatics, engineering...

Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of GECCO 2010.

- January 13, 2010 - Article submission deadline
- March 10, 2010 - Notification of article acceptance
- April 5, 2010 - Camera-ready version of accepted articles
- July 7-11, 2010 - GECCO 2010 Conference

Enrique Alba (track chair)