Saturday, March 5, 2011

9th Metaheuristics International Conference

9th Metaheuristics International Conference

MIC 2011

25-28 July, 2011 in Udine, Italy

More details and up-to-date information at

New submission deadline March 28, 2011 (strict)

Scope of the Conference
The Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC) series was established in 1995 and this is its 9th edition. MIC is the main event focusing on the progress of the area of metaheuristics and their applications. As in previous editions, MIC 2011 will provide an opportunity to the international research community in metaheuristics to discuss recent research results, to develop new ideas and collaborations, and to meet old friends and make new ones in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

MIC 2011 welcomes presentations that cover any aspects of metaheuristic research such as new algorithmic developments, high-impact applications, new research challenges, theoretical developments, implementation issues, and in-depth experimental studies. MIC 2011 strives for a high-quality program that will be completed by a number of invited talks, tutorials, and special sessions.

Relevant Research Areas

MIC 2011 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of metaheuristics. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:

+ Metaheuristic techniques such as tabu search, simulated annealing, iterated local search, variable neighborhood search, memory-based optimization, dynamic local search, evolutionary algorithms, memetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, variable neighborhood search, particle swarm optimization, scatter search, path relinking, etc.

+ Techniques that enhance the usability and increase the potential of metaheuristic algorithms such as reactive search mechanisms for self-tuning, offline metaheuristic algorithm configuration techniques, algorithm portfolios, parallelization of metaheuristic algorithms, etc.

+ Empirical and theoretical research in metaheuristics including large-scale experimental analyses, algorithm comparisons, new experimental methodologies, engineering methodologies for metaheuristic algorithms, search space analysis, theoretical insights into properties of metaheuristic algorithms, etc.

+ High-impact applications of metaheuristics in fields such as bioinformatics, electrical and mechanical engineering, telecommunications, sustainability, business, scheduling and timetabling. Particularly welcome are innovative applications of metaheuristic algorithms that have a potential of pushing research frontiers.

+ Contributions on the combination of metaheuristic techniques with those from other areas, such as integer programming, constraint programming, machine learning, etc.

+ Challenging applications areas such as continuous, mixed discrete-continuous, multi-objective, stochastic, or dynamic problems.

Important Dates
NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE March 28, 2011 (strict)
Notification of acceptance May 13, 2011
Camera ready copy May 27, 2011
Early registration June 6, 2011
Conference July 25-28, 2011

Submission Details
We will accept submissions in three different formats.

S1) Original research contributions for publication in the conference proceedings of a maximum of 10 pages
S2) Extended abstracts of work-in-progress and position papers on an important research aspect of a maximum of 3 pages
S3) High-quality manuscripts that have recently, within the last six months, been submitted or accepted for journal publication

Accepted contributions of categories S1 and S2 will be published in the MIC 2011 conference proceedings. The proceedings will be assigned the ISBN 978-88-900984-3-7. Accepted contributions of category S3 will be orally presented at the conference, but not be included into the conference proceedings (neither in the post-conference proceedings).

The submission server is available at

Post-conference Publication
It has become a tradition of MIC conferences to publish post-conference proceedings in an edited book. Authors of accepted papers in categories S1 and S2 (see submission details) are invited to submit improved and extended versions of their conference papers for publication in the MIC 2011 post-conference volume. The post-conference volume will appear in the Operations Research / Computer Science Interfaces series of Springer Verlag (confirmation pending).

Best Paper Award
A best paper award will be presented at the conference. Only papers submitted in category S1 will be eligible for the best paper award.

Invited Talks
There will be three invited talks at MIC 2011. The invited speakers are

- Holger H. Hoos,, University of British Columbia, Canada
Programming by Optimisation: Towards a new Paradigm for Developing High-Performance Software
- Andrea Lodi,, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Italy
The heuristic (dark) side of MIP solvers
- Pascal Van Hentenryck,, Brown University, USA
Meta-Heuristics for Last-Mile Disaster Preparedness and Recovery

Special Sessions
The conference will integrate a number of special sessions. Currently confirmed are the following.

- Dynamic Optimization, organized by Amir Nakib and Patrick Siarry
- Hybrid Tree Search and Metaheuristic Algorithms, organized by Zeynep Kiziltan, Andrea Lodi, Michela Milano, Fabio Parisini
- Matheuristics, organized by Karl Doerner, Vittorio Maniezzo, Celso Ribeiro, and Stefan Voss
- Metaheuristics in Employee Scheduling, organized by Dario Landa-Silva and Nysret Musliu
- Metaheuristics for Novel and Emerging Vehicle Routing Problems, organized by Jorge E. Mendoza, Christian Prins, Marc Sevaux
- Metaheuristics for Real Production Planning and Scheduling, organized by Ruben Ruiz
- Metaheuristics in Health Care Management and Services, organized by Ana Viana and Abdur Rais
- Methodologies for Heuristic Multi-Objective Optimization, organized by Walter Gutjahr and Frank Neumann
- Metaheuristics for Quadratic Binary Programs, organized by Fred Glover, Jin-Kao Hao, and Gary Kochenberger

The submission to the special sessions will be through the same submission site as for the main conference. For submission details and paper categories, we refer to the main submission information.

Conference Location
The conference will be held in Udine, Italy. The conference site is Palazzo Antonini, the main site of the University of Udine. This is a 16th century palace in the city center of Udine.

Further Information
Up-to-date information will be published on the web site For information about local arrangements, registration forms, etc., please refer to the above-mentioned web site or contact the local organizers at the address below.

Conference Address
MIC 2011 Organization
Luca Di Gaspero / Andrea Schaerf
DIEGM, University of Udine
via delle Scienze 208
33100 Udine, Italy
Fax: +39 0432 55 8251